Apply for the Keeling Curve Prize

Our flagship program, the Keeling Curve Prize, awards $50,000 annually to each of 10 global projects that demonstrate the ability to reduce, replace, or remove greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Since 2018, we’ve awarded $1.75M to 60 nonprofits, for-profits, and startups like Build Up Nepal. We’ve vetted more than 1,130 viable solutions and grown one of the largest networks of global warming mitigators in the world.

The Keeling Curve Prize is more than a financial award – it jumpstarts growth for countless deserving climate leaders at the pace required to achieve meaningful and lasting emissions reductions across the planet.

Applicants come from more than 109 countries worldwide and represent both developed and emerging markets, underrepresented leadership, and some of the world’s most under-resourced, vulnerable communities.

Since receiving the award, our laureates (winners) have cumulatively raised an additional $1.2B in funding.